Creative Producer

Patek Phillipe

 For Patek Philippe, Builders Club collaborated with Leagas Delaney to craft a duo of films exploring the Philosophies that underline everything that they do.

Why perfection takes time and why their high quality and standards are evidenced in every collection. Avoiding run-of-the-mill watchmaking cliches the films instead focus on the impeccable craft processes and beauty of their manufacture, with astoundingly impossible imagery.

From the slow, meticulous design, movements and finish of the Guilloché process in Fast is the Enemy to Thierry Stern’s, the President of Patek Philippe, commitment to longevity and the impeccable high quality they are known for in A 100 Year Responsibility .

Client: Patek Phillipe

Agency: Leagas Delaney
ECD: Time Delaney
EP: Glenn Paton
Senior Production Assistant: Liliana Silva
Editor: Al Sinclair

Production Company: Builders Club
Creative Director: Mike Lamont
Art Director: Natalie Liu & Axel Schotermann
Design / Animation: Dimitrii Kornienko, Sergey Beloshitsky, Artur Zhamaletdinov, Dan Hoopert,
Edvin Cindrak, Kwan Chow, Ivan Outriel, Duy Do Le
Executive Producer: Sophie Gunn
Producer: Helen Randall

Music: James Kelley